"%s" found but it is not a version ="%s"-t talßltam, de nem kⁿl÷nb÷zik
"%s" found but the required dll "%s" is missing ="%s"-t talßltam, de a "%s" DLL hißnyzik
"%s" must be in the folder "%s" ="%s" fßjlnak a "%s" mappßban a helye
"%s" not found ="%s" nem talßlhat≤
"%s" propagates the choice to all chapters of the current sequence=A "%s" kiterjeszti a lehet⌡sΘget a szekvencia ÷sszes fejezetΘre
"%s" propagates the choice to all chapters of the current sequence^or to all stills, depending on the current selected item="%s" kiterjeszti az ΘrvΘnyessΘgΘt az aktußlis szekvencia ÷sszes^fejezetΘre, vagy az ßll≤kΘpekre a kivßlasztott elemt⌡l fⁿgg⌡en
"TV system" not found in the SmartRipper IFO information ="TV system" nem talßlhat≤ a SmartRipper IFO informßci≤ban
%s Output File =%s kimeneti fßjl
%s conflict occured =%s hiba t÷rtΘnt
%s conflicts occured =%s hibßk t÷rtΘntek
%s disabled =%s tiltva
%s disabled in the %s settings page =%s letiltva a %s beßllφtßsok oldalßn
%s file =%s fßjl
%s file already exists... Confirm overwrite =%s lΘtezik... Er⌡sφtsd meg a felⁿlφrßst!
%s requires %s files, not %s files =%s %s fßjlokat igΘnyel, nem pedig %s fßjlt
%s settings =%s beßllφtßsai
%s success =%s sikeres
%s will only let you generates the^GNU VCDImager %s compliant XML file which describes the VideoCd=%s csak a GNU VCDImager %s kompatibilis^XML fßjlt kΘszφti el, mely leφrja a VideoCD-t
(in French or English) =(francißul, vagy angolul)
A CD-RW is required =Egy CDRW szⁿksΘges
A new version is available =Van ·jabb verzi≤
A too high speed, even if burn succeeded,^may lead to jurky audio/video (S)VCD playback on your DVD Player=A t·l magas φrßsi sebessΘg - mΘg ha az φrßs^sikerⁿlt is - hang/kΘp hibßkhoz vezethet a(z) (S)VCD^DVD-n t÷rtΘn⌡ lejßtszßsa sorßn
ASPI seems valid =ASPI
About =NΘvjegy
According to the desktop size/Windows Font size you are using,^the display will not be optimal.=Az Asztal mΘretΘt⌡l Θs a hasznßlt Windows bet√kΘszlett⌡l fⁿgg⌡en^a megjelenφtΘs nem biztos, hogy optimßlis.
Actually the exact meaning is not defined, and it is also player dependant!^NB: Most players actually ignore that value.=Jelent⌡sΘge nem tisztßzott, Θs fⁿgg a lejßtsz≤t≤l is.^Pillanatnyilag a legt÷bb lejßtsz≤ figyelmen kφvⁿl hagyja.
Adding MPEG Stills will be allowed in the next %s version =MPEG ßll≤kΘpek hozzßadßsa csak a k÷vetkez⌡ %s programverzi≤ban lesz lehetsΘges
After =Utßn
All Files =Minden fßjl
All Items =Minden elem
All Supported Image Formats =Minden tßmogatott kΘpformßtum
Always On Top =Ablak mindφg lßthat≤
An "Access Point Sector", APS, is an MPEG video sector on the VCD/SVCD which is suitable to be jumped to directly=Az "Access Point Sector", APS olyan pontokat jel÷l a(z) (S)VCD-n, amelyekre k÷zvetlenⁿl ugrani lehet
An empty disk is required =Egy ⁿres lemez szⁿksΘges
An output folder is required =Kimeneti mappa szⁿksΘges
An output name is required =Kimeneti fßjlnΘv szⁿksΘges
Approximate Cd Size =Hozzßvet⌡leges CD mΘret
At this time, only motion videos are accepted =Jelenleg csak mozg≤kΘp fogadhat≤ el
Attention: one or more chapters have the same entry point =Vigyßzat: egy, vagy t÷bb fejezetnek ugyanaz a belΘpΘsi pontja!
Audio Stream =Hang
Available Disk Space =RendelkezΘsre ßll≤ lemezterⁿlet
Available Hard Disk Space =Szabad lemezterⁿlet
Be careful, a frame number is related to the sequence frame rate =Ne feledd, a frame-ek szßma ÷sszefⁿgg a frame-ek mßsodpercenkΘnti szßmßval!
Be careful, this may lead to burning failure =Vigyßzz, ez φrßsi hibßhoz vezethet
Be sure that some values are not bigger than the Mpeg duration =Egyik ΘrtΘk se legyen nagyobb az MPEG teljes hossznßl!
Be sure that this value is not bigger than the Mpeg duration =Ne legyen nagyobb, mint az MPEG teljes hossza!
Before =Korßbban
Best Initial Size =Legmegfelel⌡bb kiindul≤mΘret
Blanking the CDRW =CDRW t÷rlΘse
CDRDAO is disabled by default, as I am note sure it will work with your ASPI drivers=CDRDAO est dΘsactivΘ par dΘfault, car je ne suis pas certain qu'il fonctionnera avec vos pilotes ASPI
CDRDAO support is disabled =CDRDAO tßmogatßs letiltva
CDRDAO will not accept to burn the VideoCD,^Change the Cd image type to "CDRDAO TOC" if you really want to burn it=A CDRDAO nem fogadja el,^vßltoztasd a CD kΘp tφpusßt "CDRDAO TOC"-ra
CUE file with more burning directives =CUE fßjl t÷bb φrßsi utasφtßssal
CUE file with the minimum required burning directives =CUE fßjl minimßlis φrßsi utasφtßssal
Cancel =MΘgse
Cancel done =Megszakφtva
Cancelling =Megszakφtßs
CDR Devices Scanning =CD olvas≤ keresΘse
Chapters will be too closed together =A fejezetek t·l k÷zel vannak egymßshoz
Check first that it is not an elementary video or audio stream only, a multiplexed program stream is required=Ellen⌡rizd, hogy nem csak egy ÷nßll≤ vide≤, vagy hang stream, multiplexelt program stream szⁿksΘges
Checked means Sequence / UnChecked means Picture =A jel÷lt fßjl szekvencia / a nem jel÷lt ßll≤kΘp
Checking if CDR/CDRW is empty =CDR/CDRW ⁿressΘgΘnek ellen⌡rzΘse
Choose the Cd Image Type "CDRDAO TOC" instead, or change the BIN file path/name=Vßlaszd helyette a CDRDAO TOC tφpust, vagy vßltoztasd meg a BIN fßjl ·tvonalßt/nevΘt
Comma(s) and "&&" in filenames are not allowed =Vessz⌡ Θs "&&" a fßjlnΘvben nem megengedettek
Creating Cd Image file =CD kΘp lΘtrehozßsa
DEL to remove a File =Nyomj DEL-t a fßjl t÷rlΘsΘhez
DEL to remove a File/Folder =Nyomj DEL-t a fßjl/mappa t÷rlΘsΘhez
Depending on your (S)VCD player, PBC may be needed to navigate chapters=A(z) (S)VCD lejßtsz≤t≤l fⁿgg⌡en a PBC a fejezetek k÷zti lΘptetΘshez szⁿksΘges
Distribution =Let÷ltΘs
Do you really want to erase the Cd ? =Biztosan t÷r÷lni akarod a CD-t?
Do you want to add this file anyway ? =MindenkΘppen hozzß kφvßnod adni?
Do you want to continue ? =TovßbblΘpsz?
Do you want to see it ? =MegnΘzed?
Do you want to see the FAQ now ? =Akarod most elolvasni a FAQ-ot?
Do you want to see them ? =MegnΘzed ⌡ket?
Don't ask me again =Ne kΘrdezd t÷bbΘ!
Don't show this message again =Ezt az ⁿzenetet t÷bbΘ nem kΘrem!
Download Page =Let÷ltΘsi oldal
Drag a file to change its position =H·zd a fßjlt a kφvßnt ·j pozφci≤ba
Duration =Id⌡tartam
Editable =Szerkeszthet⌡
End offset =End offset
Error while parsing the XML document. =Hiba az XML dokumentum feldolgozßsa sorßn.
Even with a 0 sec wait time, the transition between sequences may not be smooth=A szekvezncißk k÷zti ßtmenet 0 vßrakozßsi id⌡ esetΘn sem mindφg t÷kΘletes
Even with a 0 sec wait time, the transition between tracks may not be smooth=A fejezetek k÷z÷tti ßtmenet mΘg 0 mp esetΘn sem t÷kΘletes
Event Disabled =Az esemΘny tiltva
Existing Cd data will not be recoverable after the blank =T÷rlΘs utßn a CD-n jelenleg lΘv⌡ adatok elvesznek!
Ez az informßci≤ segφt neghatßrozni, melyik "lßthatatlan"^szekvencißt kell hozzßadni a(z) (S)VCD-hez, ha csak^MPEG ßll≤kΘpeket tartalmaz.
Final Size =Teljes mΘret
For example, allow to unlock the Cd Writer after a failed write =Meghi·sult φrßs utßn szⁿksΘg lehet a CD zßrolßsßnak feloldßsßra
Forbidden =Nem engedΘlyezett
Force execution of writing operations =═rßs er⌡ltetΘse
Front margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=Marge avant pour les sΘquence vidΘo.^La valeur par dΘfaut pour les Super VidΘo CD 1.0 est 0
Front margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 30 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=Front Margin az egyes rΘszekhez.^VCD 1.0/1.1/2.0 esetΘben legalßbb 15 szektor hossz·nak kell lennie.^VCD 1.0/1.1/2.0 esetΘben 30 az alapΘrtelmezett, egyΘbkΘnt 0.
GNU VCDImager only accepts/analyzes multiplexed program streams (video AND audio streams) and MPEG Stills=A GNU VCDImager csak multiplexelt program streameket (vide≤ ╔S hang streamek) Θs MPEG ßll≤kΘpeket fogad el, vagy elemez
Generated =LΘtrehozva
Generating the (internally computed) XML file =XML fßjl automatikus lΘtrehozßsa
Generating the (internally computed) XML file and preparing its display=XML fßjl lΘtrehozßsa Θs el⌡kΘszⁿlet a megjelenφtΘsre
Generating the XML file =Az XML fßjl lΘtrehozßsa
Getting the Cd info =CD jellemz⌡inek kiolvasßsa
Go =Indφtßs
Go to the "settings" page to enable it =Menj a "Beßllφtßsok" menⁿbe, hogy engedΘlyezd
Guide =┌tmutat≤
Home Page =Weblap
If the MPEG file does not have regular MPEG sequence headers throughout the file (e.g., before each GOP),=Ha az MPEG fßjl nem tartalmaz azonosφt≤kat (pl. minden "GOP" el⌡tt),
If you overwrite this default assignment, VCDEasy will not update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters or sequences later.=Ha ßtφrod az alapΘrtelmezett nyom≤gomb hozzßrendelΘst, a VCDEasy t÷bbΘ nem t÷lti ki/frissφti.^... tehßt lΘgy el⌡vigyßzatos, ha ·jabb fejezeteket f√z÷l ehhez a szekvencißhoz.
If you overwrite this default numeric keys assignment, VCDEasy will not fill/update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters to this sequence later.=Ha ßtφrod az alapΘrtelmezett numerikus nyom≤gomb hozzßrendelΘst, a VCDEasy t÷bbΘ nem t÷lti ki/frissφti.^... tehßt lΘgy el⌡vigyßzatos, ha ·jabb fejezeteket f√z÷l ehhez a szekvencißhoz.
Import Chapters =Fejezetlista importßlßs
In relaxing the APS constraints, every sector containing an I-frame will also be regarded as an APS.^This increases the number of potential entry points.=Az APS b⌡vφtΘsekΘnt minden I-frame-et tartalmaz≤ szektor elfogadott.^Ezzel n⌡ a lehetsΘges belΘpΘsi pontok szßma.
Increase your desktop size to have a better display. =N÷veld az Asztal mΘretΘt a jobb megjelenφtΘshez
Information used to determine which "invisible" sequence^to add when authoring a (S)VCD with MPEG Stills only=
Input Picture =ForrßskΘp
Internal Xml Generator =Bels⌡ XML generßtor
Invalid %s filename =╔rvΘnytelen %s fßjlnΘv
Invalid MPEG file, seems to be a ".dat" file renamed to ".mpg" =╔rvΘnytelen fßjl, val≤szφn√leg egy ".mpg"-re ßtnevezett ".dat"
Invalid picture file =A kΘp nem megfelel⌡
IsoLength =ISO hossz
IsoName =ISO nΘv
IsoTreePath =ISO ·tvonal
It can be useful if you experience problems with CDRDAO/ASPI. =Hasznos lehet, ha problΘmßid vannak a CDRDAO/ASPI-val...
It is highly recommended to let "%s" as default driver =Ajßnlott a "%s" eszk÷zmeghajt≤ hasznßlata
NB: Burn is not available when the output is XML only =Nincs jelent⌡sΘge ha csak XML fßjl φrßsßt kΘrted
NB: CDRDAO does not support USB cd writers/readers... =A CDRDAO nem tßmogatja az USB-vel csatlakoz≤ CD φr≤kat/olvas≤kat
NB: Detailled CUE files may be incompatible with Fireburner =A rΘszletes CUE fßjlok nem biztos hogy kompatibilisek a Fireburner-rel
NB: It is better to put the MPEG sequence headers in your MPEG stream rather than to force VCDImager to use this option.=Jobb, ha az MPEG fßjlt mßr "sequence header"-ekkel kΘszφtetted, mint ha a VCDImager ezen opci≤jßt hasznßlod.
NB: These CUE files are compatible with Fireburner =Ezek a CUE fßjlok kompatibilisek a Fireburner-rel
NB: You may encounter burning problems... =═rßsi problΘmßid lehetnek...
Name =NΘv
Network files "\\server\share\..." are not allowed =Hßl≤zati ·tvonal (\\szerver\mappa\...) nem engedΘlyezett
News =Informßci≤
No =nem hasznßlhat≤
No %s =Nincs %s
No Aspi Device Selected =Nincs ASPI eszk÷z kivßlasztva
No Cd Reader Selected =Nincs CD olvas≤ kivßlasztva
No Cd Writer Selected =Nincs CD φr≤ kivßlasztva
No Cd Writer/Reader found or ASPI layer not installed =CD φr≤/olvas≤ nem talßlhat≤, vagy nincs ASPI telepφtve.
No Cd Writer/reader found or ASPI drivers problem =Vagy nincs CD φr≤/olvas≤, vagy ASPI problΘma
No more than a total of %s entrypoints can be referenced in a (S)VCD=A(z) (S)VCD legfeljebb %s fejezetet tartalmazhat
No more than a total of %s segments can be used =A(z) (S)VCD legfeljebb %s MPEG szegmenst tartalmazhat (kΘpek)
No more than a total of %s sequences can be used =A(z) (S)VCD legfeljebb %s MPEG szekvencißt tartalmazhat
No new version available at this time =Jelenleg nincs ·jabb verzi≤
Non quick blank can takes up to 60 minutes =Ha nem kΘred a gyorst÷rlΘst, k÷zel 60 perc helyed lesz
Not Analysed =Ellen⌡rizetlen
Not Available =Nem elΘrhet⌡
Not enough Disk Space on %s =Nincs elΘg hely a(z) %s lemezen
Note that in all cases, you can not force a chapter entry point and being sure that the chapter will be physically at this point.=Ha nem tudsz belΘpΘsi pontot lΘtrehozni, ellen⌡rizd, fizikailag ott van-e egyßltalßn a fejezet.
Note that you can use %s, %s or %s to burn the VCDEasy generated BIN/CUE files...=A VCDEasy ßltal kΘszφtett CUE/BIN fßjlokat a %s, %s, vagy %s kΘpes felhasznßlni...
Number of possible chapter entry points =A lehetsΘges fejezet-belΘpΘsi pontok szßma
One or more non valid chapter entry point found =Egy, vagy t÷bb ΘrvΘnytelen fejezet-belΘpΘsi pont van
Only motion videos and MPEG stills (pictures) are accepted =Csak MPEG vide≤k Θs MPEG ßll≤kΘpek elfogadottak
Ordered MPEG%s Video files =MPEG%s fßjlok sorrendben
Ordered MPEG%s files =MPEG%s fßjlok sorozata
Origin =Eredeti hely
Output Directory =Kimeneti mappa
Paste supports VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor and TMPGEnc time format=BeillesztΘs a VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor Θs TMPGEnc programokb≤l
Path =┌tvonal
Performing check for new version available =┌jabb verzi≤ keresΘse engedΘlyezett
Play =Lejßtszßs
Please be sure that this file is not ReadOnly =Biztos, hogy ez a fßjl nem φrßsvΘdett?
Please check the filename =Ellen⌡rizd a fßjlnevet!
Please confirm... =J≤vßhagyßst kΘrek...
Please enter a %s filename =Adj meg egy %s fßjlnevet
Please increase the Mpeg Size [Quality] =N÷veld az MPEG mΘretet [min⌡sΘget]
Please read the VCDEasy FAQ before reporting a bug =KΘrlek olvasd el a VCDEasy FAQ-ot, miel⌡tt jeleznΘl egy hibßt
Please wait =KΘrlek vßrj...
Please wait while adding the files =Vßrj, hozzßadom a fßjlokat
Please wait while cancelling =Vßrj, megszakφtom a vΘgrehajtßst
Please wait while finilazing the cd =Vßrj, lezßrom a CD φrßsßt
Please wait while scanning the MPEG file =Vßrj, ellen⌡rz÷m az MPEG fßjlt
Please wait while scanning the MPEG files =Vßrj, ellen⌡rz÷m az MPEG fßjlokat
Please, add at least one MPEG file =Legalßbb egy MPEG fßjlt kΘrek
Pos =Sorszßm
Read the very good %s to understand how (S)VCD chapters works =A(z) (S)VCD fejezetek m√k÷dΘsΘnek megΘrtΘsΘhez olvasd el a kit√n⌡ angol nyelv√ %s-t!
Rear margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=Marge arriΦre pour les sΘquence vidΘo.^La valeur par dΘfaut pour les Super VidΘo CD 1.0 est 0
Rear margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 45 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=Rear Margin az egyes rΘszekhez.^VCD 1.0/1.1/2.0 esetΘben legalßbb 15 szektor hossz·nak kell lennie.^VCD 1.0/1.1/2.0 esetΘben 45 az alapΘrtelmezett, egyΘbkΘnt 0
Remove them or choose VCD2.0 =Tßvolφtsd el, vagy vßlaszd a VCD2.0 formßtumot
Reset actions to defaults =Alaphelyzetbe ßllφtßs
Reset actions to defaults for: =A k÷vetkez⌡ alaphelyzetbe ßllφtßsa:
Rigth Click to have the Popup menu =HelyzetΘrzΘkeny menⁿ jobb egΘrgombbal
Ripping %s =%s kimentΘse
Same as "%s" but when pbc interpretation enabled,^then start the next disc at the second pbc list instead of the first one.=Ugyanaz, mint "%s", de ha a PBC engedΘlyezett,^akkor a k÷vetkez⌡ lemez a mßsodik PBC listßval kezd az els⌡ helyett.
Scanning %s =%s ellen⌡rzΘse
See "%s" in the %s FAQ file (in the %s folder) =NΘzd meg "%s"-t a %s FAQ fßjlban (a %s mappßban)
See the detailled log =Lßsd a rΘszletes napl≤ban
Select Directory =Mappa kivßlasztßsa
Select Directory For Content =Mappa kivßlasztßsa a tartalom szßmßra
Selected Item =Kivßlasztott elem
Sequence Duration and/or video type must be known, so "%s" must be checked, to have access to this=Az adatfolyam hosszßnak Θs/vagy tφpusßnak ismeretΘre szⁿksΘg lehet, ehhez futtasd a "%s" parancsot!
Set first chapter to numeric key =Az els⌡ fejezet numerikus gombhoz rendelΘse
Settings =Beßllφtßsok
Size =MΘret
So no display... =Nincs mit megjelenφteni...
Some drivers may seem to work (burn succeeded)^but may lead to unreadable CDR or^jurky audio/video (S)VCD playback on your DVD Player=NΘhßny meghajt≤ lßtsz≤lag m√k÷dik (az φrßs sikerⁿl)^de a(z) (S)VCD DVD-n t÷rtΘn⌡ lejßtszßsa sorßn^hang/kΘp hibßk fordulnak el⌡
Special characters in filenames are not allowed^(GNU VCDImager known bug)=Specißlis karakterek a fßjlnΘvben nem engedΘlyezettek^(A GNU VCDImager ismert hibßja miatt)
Start Cd device rotation =CD forgßsßnak indφtßsa
Start offset =Start offset
Start the next disc if it has the same <album-id> at the second sequence instead of the first.=Ha a k÷vetkez⌡ lemeznek ugyanez az azonosφt≤ja, az els⌡ szekvencia helyett a mßsodikkal kezdd!
Supports Image Drag'n Drop ="h·zd Θs dobd" m≤dszer engedΘlyezett
TV Cropping =TV marg≤ korrekci≤
The %s character is not allowed in: =A %s karakter nem megengedett a k÷vetkez⌡ helyen:
The Aspi layer (required by CDRDAO) may be missing or not be installed correctly=Az ASPI (amire a CDRDAO-nak szⁿksΘge van) hißnyzik, vagy hibßsan lett telepφtve
The BIN filename must have no SPACE character if you want to burn it with CDRDAO=A BIN fßjlnΘv/·tvonal nem tartalmazhat sz≤k÷zt, ha CDRDAO-val akarsz CD-t φrni
The Folder "%s" is a special (S)VCD folder! =A "%s" mappa egy specißlis (S)VCD mappa!
The check for new version available failed =┌jabb verzi≤ keresΘse nem sikerⁿlt
The corresponding BIN file must be in the same folder as the CUE file,^and must have the same name.=A megfelel⌡ BIN fßjlnak ugyanabban a mappßban kell lennie,^mint a CUE fßjl - Θs ugyanazzal a nΘvvel.
The file "%s" does not exist ="%s" nev√ fßjl nem lΘtezik
The file is not a MPEG file with Riff header [.dat file] =A fßjl nem Riff fejlΘces MPEG fßjl [.dat fßjl]
The filename must contain the full path =A fßjlnΘvnek tartalmaznia kell a teljes elΘrΘsi ·tvonalat
The files must be different =A fßjloknak kⁿl÷nb÷zniⁿk kell
The volume name must not be empty when there are more than one volumes=A lemez cimke nem lehet ⁿres, ha t÷bb lemezes lesz a teljes anyag
This %s supports only =Ez a %s csak a k÷vetkez⌡t tßmogatja:
This VCDEasy version supports only the version %s of "%s" =A VCDEasy jelenleg a %s verzi≤j· %s programot tßmogatja
This file must have a size multiple of 2336 and be not empty, if you want to add it as a full 2336 bytes sectors file=Ez a fßjl nem lehet ⁿres Θs mΘretΘnek 2336 t÷bbsz÷r÷sΘnek kell lennie,^ha teljes 2336 bßjtos szektor· fßjlkΘnt kφvßnod hozzßadni
This frame number must refers to this MPEG sequence, not the original sequence if different=Ennek a kΘpkocka szßmnak erre az MPEG adatfolyamra kell vonatkoznia, nem az eredetire, ha az kⁿl÷nb÷zik
This is due to a CDRDAO bug when dealing with CUE files... =Ez a CDRDAO hibßja, ha CUE fßjlb≤l kell dolgoznia
This is related to the ability of some multi-disc stand-alone players to instantly start playing^the next disc once the current disc as finished playing.=Ez nΘhßny multi-disc asztali lejßtsz≤ azon kΘpessΘgΘvel fⁿgg ÷ssze,^hogy az aktußlis lemez lejßtszßsa utßn azonnal elkezdik a k÷vetkez⌡t.
This version works with =Ez a verzi≤ a k÷vetkez⌡vel m√k÷dik:
To avoid this, change your chapters or relax the ASP constraints =Vßltoztassßl a fejezeteken, vagy tiltstd le az APS szabßlyt!
Too many chapters will be created =T·l sok a fejezet!
Tools =Eszk÷z÷k
TreeSubLevel =ISO mΘlysΘg
Trying to unlock the Cd Reader =Megpr≤bßlom a CD olvas≤ zßrolßsßt feloldani
Trying to unlock the Cd Writer =Megpr≤bßlom a CD φr≤ zßrolßsßt feloldani
Type =Tφpus
Unable to create =Nem lehet lΘtrehozni
Unable to overwrite =Nem lehet felⁿlφrni
Unable to perform a CDR devices scan =Nem lehet CD eszk÷zt keresni
Unable to perform a CDR devices scan, you may have an ASPI drivers problem=La recherche de graveur/lecteur Cd a ΘchouΘe, vous avez peut-Ωtre un problΦme avec les drivers systΦme ASPI
Unable to save the picture to "%s" =Nem lehet a kΘpet "%s" helyre menteni
Unknown "TV system" in the SmartRipper IFO information =Ismeretlen "TV system" a SmartRipper IFO informßci≤ban
Use Cdxa2mpeg in the tools page to try to convert it to a "true" Mpeg file =Hasznßld az Eszk÷z÷k oldalon talßlhat≤ Cdxa2mpeg programot, hogy val≤di MPEG fßjllß alakφtsd
Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 150=A lead-out elΘ besz·rt ⁿres szektorok szßmßt ßllφtja be^NΘhßny operßci≤s rendszer I/O hibßt jelez az el⌡reaolvasßs sorßn, ha ez az ΘrtΘk nincs legalßbb 15 k÷rⁿli ΘrtΘkre ßllφtva^AlapΘrtelmezett ΘrtΘke 150
Used to set the track pregap for all tracks at once in sectors.^The specification requires the pregap to be at least 150 sectors long.^Default is 150=Affecte une zone de prΘ-enregistrement pour chacune des pistes (en secteurs).^Les spΘcifications requiΦrent une zone d'au moins 150 secteurs.^La valeur par dΘfaut est 150
Used when PBC information is present but its interpretation is disabled on the player,^when multiple volumes in album, when album name not empty, when not Vcd 1.1.=UtilisΘ quand les informations PBC sont prΘsentes mais leur interprΘtation est dΘsactivΘe sur le lecteur,^quand on a plusieurs volumes dans l'album, quand le nom de l'album n'est pas vide, et quand ce n'est pas un VidΘoCd 1.1.
VCD1.1 does not allow the use of MPEG Pictures =A VCD1.1 szabvßny nem engedi MPEG ßll≤kΘpek hasznßlatßt
VCDEasy will choose the nearest possible chapter entry point(s) based on what you want=A VCDEasy megkeresi az ßltalad kφvßnt fejezet-belΘpΘsi pont(ok)hoz legk÷zelebb ßll≤t
Value bigger than the MPEG duration =Nagyobb, mint az MPEG hossza
Video Stream =KΘp
VideoCD BEGIN =VideoCD eleje
VideoCD END =VideoCD vΘge
Viewing restrictions which may be interpreted by the playing device.^The allowed range goes from "0" [unrestricted, means free to view for all], to "3" [restricted, may mean content not suitable for ages under 18].=Niveau de restriction liΘ au contenu du VidΘoCD, et pouvant Ωtre interprΘtΘ par le lecteur.^La valeur doεt Ωtre comprise entre "0" [pas de restriction] et "3" [restriction pour un contenu interdit aux moins de 18 ans par exemple].
Warning: You may experience some problems with the ASPI Tools in enabling them...^if so, send me an email=Vigyßzat: Az ASPI eszk÷z÷k m√k÷dΘsΘnek engedΘlyezΘsΘvel hibßk fordulhatnak el⌡,^ezekr⌡l feltΘtlenⁿl Θrtesφts!
Warning: You may experience some problems with the CDRDAO...^if so, upgrade your ASPI drivers=Attention: vous pourrez peut-Ωtre rencontrer des problΦmes en utilisant CDRDAO...^Si tel est le cas, mettez α jour vos les pilotes ASPI
Warning: relaxing the aps requirement may lead to non-working entry points=Attention: relacher la contrainte APS peut avoir pour consΘquence des points d'entrΘe chapitres ne fonctionnant pas
Writing cd image file =CD kΘp φrßsa
Wrote %s Mb of %s Mb =%s Mb megφrva (%s Mb lesz a teljes mΘret)
Yes =hasznßlhat≤
You can change this option only if the MPEG files list is empty =Vous ne pouvez changer cette option que si la liste des fichiers MPEG est vide
You entered a total of %s volumes for the album =Vous avez saisi un total de %s pour l'album
You need to activate Playback Control (PBC) in order to play MPEG pictures=Az MPEG ßll≤kΘpek lejßtszßsßhoz engedΘlyezned kell a lejßtszßsvzΘrl⌡t (PBC)
You need to restart %s in order to take the changes into account =A vßltoztatßsok ΘrvΘnyesφtΘsΘhez %s-t ·jra kell indφtani
You need to restart %s in order to take the locations changes into account=Les changements d'emplacements ne seront pris en compte qu'aprΦs un redΘmarrage de %s
You will only have to drag the ..._##.img files into Toast =Vous n'aurez qu'α glisser les fichiers "..._##.img" dans Toast
and =Θs
and supports =Θs tßmogatja a k÷vetkez⌡t:
by =- szerz⌡:
bytes =bßjt
detailled %s =rΘszletes %s
not found =nem talßlhat≤
or =, vagy
or as standalone application =, vagy ÷nßll≤an
##################################### Added at version 1.1.1
Add %s files =%s fßjlok hozzßadßsa
Find the %s directory =%s mappa keresΘse
Open a %s file =%s megnyitßsa
Page %s =%s oldal
Save %s file to =%s fßjl mentΘse
Save as %s file =MentΘs %s nΘven
Text =Sz÷veg
for SVCD =SVCD-hez
for VCD =VCD-hez
##################################### Added at version 1.1.2
%s &Home Page =%s weblapja
%s &always on top =%s mindφg lßthat≤
&About %s =%s nΘvjegy
&Donation =Anyagi tßmogatßs
&Remember %s size and position =EmlΘkezzen %s mΘretΘre Θs pozφci≤jßra
A CD is required =Egy CD szⁿksΘges
Addition of MPEG files ended =MPEG fßjlok hozzßadßsa befejez⌡d÷tt
Allows you to select the items to which you will also apply this choice=Kivßlaszthatod azokat az elemeket, amikre ugyanazt kφvßnod alkalmazni
Allows you to select the items to which you will reset actions to defaults=Kivßlaszthatod azokat az elemeket, amiket alaphelyzetbe kφvßnsz ßllφtani
Also apply to =Tovßbbi elem kivßlasztßsa
Approximate ISO File System size =Hozzßvet⌡leges ISO fßjlrendszer mΘret
Authoring Process Successful =A legyßrtßs sikerⁿlt
Authoring Process Unsuccessful =A legyßrtßs sikertelen
By donating you will help me keep the %s web site running and alive,^you will allow me to buy some codes to improve %s,^and you will encourage me to continue with %s development.=A fejlesztΘs anyagi tßmogatßsßval segφtesz Θletben tartani a %s webhelyet^Θs lehet⌡vΘ teszed, hogy forrßsk≤dokat vßsßrolhassak a %s fejlesztΘsΘhez^Θs ezzel segφted, hogy a %s egyre jobb lehessen.
Deselect All =Kijel÷lΘsek t÷rlΘse
Deselect all items =Az ÷sszes elem kijel÷lΘsΘnek t÷rlΘse
Files with supported picture extensions =Tßmogatott formßtum· fßjlok
Generation of several MPEG stills ended =Az MPEG ßll≤kΘpek el⌡ßllφtßsa befejez⌡d÷tt
If you appreciate %s, please make a donation,^it will be very helpful and appreciated. Thanks=Ha elΘgedett vagy a %s programmal, kΘrlek tßmogasd^a fejlesztΘsΘt, sokat segφtenΘl vele. K÷sz÷n÷m.
Invalid picture file, or unable to read it =╔rvΘnytelen fßjl, vagy nem olvashat≤
NB: will not apply to the segments =MegjegyzΘs: nem lesz alkalmazva a szegmensekre
No new version is available =Nincs frissebb programverzi≤
Number of pictures =KΘpek szßma
Ok =Ok
Other %s settings =EgyΘb %s beßllφtßsok
Please confirm that you want to quit =Biztos, hogy ki akarsz kΘpni?
Please read the %s online FAQ and guides before reporting a bug or asking or help=Olvasd el a %s online FAQ-ot Θs kΘzik÷nyveket, miel⌡tt bejelentenΘl egy hibßt, vagy segφtsΘget kΘrnΘl
Please wait while scanning... =KΘrlek vßrj, amφg ßtnΘzem...
Please, add at least one non MPEG still file =Legalßbb egy fßjlt adj hozzß, amely nem MPEG ßll≤kΘp
Reset actions to defaults for this item =Feladatok alaphelyzetbe ßllφtßsa ennΘl az elemnΘl
Reset actions to defaults for =Feladatok alaphelyzetbe ßllφtßsa a k÷vetkez⌡h÷z:
See the guides at the %s web site if you experience problems with CDRDAO/ASPI, or if you want to know more about alternate burning methods=Olvasd el a %s webhelyΘn az ·tmutat≤kat, ha CDRDAO/ASPI problΘmßid vannak, vagy t÷bbet szeretnΘl tudni a kⁿl÷nb÷z⌡ CD φrßsi met≤dusokr≤l
See the log page for details =RΘszletek a napl≤ban
Select All =Az ÷sszes kijel÷lΘse
Select all items =Minden elem kijel÷lΘse
Select all segments =Minden szegmens kijel÷lΘse
Select all sequences =Minden szekvencia kijel÷lΘse
Select sequence and its chapters =Szekvencia Θs fejezetei kijel÷lΘse
Selection helpers =Kijel÷lΘsi segφtsΘg
Sequences with chapters =Szekvencißk fejezetekkel
Skipped =Kihagyva
Succeeded =ElvΘgezve
The duration of this MPEG file is too short ( %s < 4000 milliseconds)=T·l r÷vid ez az MPEG fßjl ( %s < 4000 ms)
but may be required to have working chapters when PBC is OFF =azonban szⁿksΘges, hogy kikapcsolt lejßtszßsvezΘrl⌡ (PBC) esetΘn is lehessen fejezetekkel dolgozni
but may lead to non working chapters when PBC is OFF =azonban m√k÷dΘskΘptelen fejezetekhez vezet, ha a lejßtszßsvezΘrl⌡ (PBC) ki van kapcsolva
files =fßjlok
queued commands =vΘgrehajtßsra vßr≤ feladatok
##################################### Added at version 1.1.3
Success =Sikerⁿlt
Do you want to add this non-compliant file anyway ? =MindenkΘppen hozzß akarod adni ezt a nem szabvßnyos fßjlt?
This VCDEasy version supports only the versions %s and %s of "%s" =A VCDEasy ezen verzi≤ja csak a(z) %s Θs %s verzi≤j· "%s"-t tßmogatja
One or more chapter points have been deleted, as now the Total Time is known =A teljes m√sorid⌡ ismeretΘben egy, vagy t÷bb belΘpΘsi pont t÷r÷lve lett
You need to install an appropriate Windows CODEC to read this file. =A fßjl olvasßsßhoz telepφtened kell a megfelel⌡ Windows CODEC-et.
Warning =FigyelmeztetΘs
Tip of the Day =A nap tippje
Did you know =Tudtad?
Show tips at Startup =Tippek megjelenφtΘse indulßskor
Next Tip =K÷vetkez⌡ tipp
Previous Tip =El⌡z⌡ tipp
Close =Bezßrßs
Windows Media Player is not installed on this Windows, but is required by %s =A Windows Media Player nincs telepφtve, de %s igΘnyli
Please download it from %s =Let÷ltheted a %s cφmr⌡l
CDRDAO is disabled by default, as I am not sure it will work with your ASPI drivers=A CDRDAO alapΘrtelmezΘsben le van tiltva, mert nem biztos, hogy m√k÷dik az ASPI meghejt≤ddal
Load the video file into the media player =Megnyitßs a Media Player-rel
Play =Lejßtszßs
Stop =Megßllφtßs
Pause =Pillanat ßllj
Fast Rewind =Gyors vissza
Fast Rewind (to a potential chapter point) =Gyors vissza (egy lehetsΘges belΘpΘsi pontig)
Fast Forward =Gyors el⌡re
Fast Forward (to a potential chapter point) =Gyors el⌡re (egy lehetsΘges belΘpΘsi pontig)
Slow Rewind =Lass· vissza
Previous potential chapter point =Vissza az el⌡z⌡ lehetsΘges belΘpΘsi pontig
Slow Forward =Lass· el⌡re
Next potential chapter point =El⌡re a k÷vetkez⌡ lehetsΘges belΘpΘsi pontig
Sound Volume =Hanger⌡
Picture =KΘp
Save =MentΘs
Save the picture to =MentΘs mappßba
Capturing picture for chapter: =Fejezethez rendelt kΘp mßsolßsa:
VCDxBuild takes the XML descripter file of a (S)VCD project and creates a CD image on your hard disc. =A VCDxBuild egy (S)VCD leφr≤ XML fßjlb≤l elΘkΘszφti a CD kΘpet a merevlemezeden.
This CD image (either in CUE/BIN format or the CDRDAO TOC format) can then be recorded onto a physical disc (e.g., CD-R(W)) =Ezt a CD kΘpet (akßr CUE/BIN formßtum·, akßr CDRDAO TOC formßtum·) kΘs⌡bb CD-R(W) lemezre lehet φrni
VCDxRip takes a disc image of a (S)VCD and extracts from it all the media files =A VCDxRip egy (S)VCD CD kΘpb⌡l visszanyer minden mΘdia fßjlt
for example, sequence-items such as MPEG video trancs as well as segment-item like high resolution stills images =pΘldßul sequence-item, mint egy MPEG vide≤ track, vagy segment-item, mint egy nagyfelbontßs· ßll≤kΘp
The format of the disc image can be either the CUE/BIN format or the Nero Burning ROM NRG format. =A lemz formßtuma CUE/BIN, vagy Nero Burning ROM NRG kell legyen.
VCDxmInfo analyzes your MPEG file from the point of view of VCD or SVCD compliance. =A VCDxmInfo elemzi az MPEG fßjlt, megfelel-e a(z) (S)VCD szabvßnynak.
It will report on many parameters including frame size, bitrate, audio as well as APS data (required for entrypoints). =Megjelenφt t÷bb paramΘtert, beleΘrtve a frame mΘretet, bitrßtßt, hang paramΘtereket Θs az APS adatokat (belΘpΘsi pontokhoz szⁿksΘges).
Futhermore, it will also analyze MPEG still images. =Ezen felⁿl elemzi az MPEG ßll≤kΘpeket.
VCDxDebug analyzes VCD and SVCD disc images (in CUE/BIN format) and reports the structure of the disc. =A VCDxDebug elemzi a(z) (S)VCD CD kΘpet (CUE/BIN formßtumban) Θs megjelenφti a lemez szerkezetΘt.
It reports on the filesystem, the PBC area as well as a number of other areas. =KiΘrtΘkeli a fßjlrendszert, a PBC Θs szßmos mßs terⁿletet.
This tool is particulary useful in debugging an authored (S)VCD before committing it to a dics. =Ez az eszk÷z kⁿl÷n÷sen hasznos a megszerkesztett (S)VCD-k hibakeresΘsΘnΘl, miel⌡tt CD-re φrnßnk.
Cdxa2mpeg removes RIFF headers from a file. =A Cdxa2mpeg t÷rli a RIFF fejlΘcet a fßjlb≤l.
Under the Microsoft Windows OSes, the media files copied off a VCD or SVCD have RIFF headers appended. =A Microsoft Windows operßci≤s rendszerek a(z) (S)VCD-r⌡l kimßsolt fßjlokhoz RIFF fejlΘcet f√znek.
This tool simply removes those headers ad converts the file back into a plain MPEG stream. =This tool simply removes those headers ad converts the file back into a plain MPEG stream.
During writing you should avoid to open the Windows Explorer and similar tools =Az φrßs alatt tart≤zkodj a Windows IntΘz⌡, vagy mßs hasonl≤ fßjlkezel⌡ eszk÷z÷k megnyitßsßt≤l
CDRDAO does not lock the recording device so that all access action from the Explorer will lead to a failure of the recording process. =A CDRDAO nem zßrolja a CD φr≤t, φgy minden, az IntΘz⌡ ßltal vΘgzett lemezhozzßfΘrΘs hibßs CD φrßsßhoz vezethet.
If the "Auto Insert Notification" of your CD device is ON, your PC may hang during CD read operations. =Ha a CD meghajt≤d "Automatikus lejßtszßs" kapcsol≤ja be van kapcsolva, a CD olvasßsa sorßn lefagyhat a szßmφt≤gΘp.
If so, check OFF "Auto Insert Notification" of your CD device. =Ha ez t÷rtΘnik, kapcsold ki az "Automatikus lejßtszßs"-t a CD meghajt≤dnßl.
##################################### Added at version 1.1.4
This MPEG file requires autopadding... you may be unable to watch it correctly...=Ez az MPEG fßjl autopadding-et igΘnyel, nem biztos, hogy lejßtszhat≤ lesz...
This MPEG file have bad packets =Ez az MPEG fßjl rossz csomagokat tartalmaz
Attention: several chapters at the same entry point (if it is not what you wanted... change your chapters or let %s analyse the MPEG files to avoid this situation)=Vigyßzat: t÷bb fejezetnek ugyanaz a belΘpΘsi pontja (ha nem ezt akartad, vßltoztasd meg a fejezeteket, vagy hagyd, hogy a %s elemezze az MPEG fßjlokat, hogy ezt elkerⁿld)
Next time, let %s analyse the MPEG files to have this warning before... =Legk÷zelebb hagyd, hogy a %s elemezze az MPEG fßjlokat, hogy ezt a figyelmeztetΘst elkerⁿld...
(i.e. one MPEG video file) =(egy MPEG video fßjl)
CD image file too big... (note that it will not solve the problem to use a DVD...)=A CD kΘp fßjl t·l nagy...(DVD lemez hasznßlata nem oldja meg a problΘmßt)
You may need to cut a too big MPEG file (in using a MPEG cut tool), or put less MPEG files, to reduce the total size=Ha nagy egy MPEG fßjl, el kell vßgnod (MPEG vßg≤ programmal), vagy kevesebb MPEG fßjlt kell a projektbe tenned
Or, if you put many files in the ISO filesystem part, you may need to remove some...=vagy ha az ISO fßjlrendszer√ rΘszbe tettΘl t·l sok fßjlt, onnan tßvolφts el valamit
##################################### Added at version 1.1.3
You can use mouse drag to rearrange the order of your MPEG files (in the MPEG files list of the "Main" page). =Ut≤lag egΘrrel ·j sorrendbe h·zhatod az MPEG fßjlokat (a f⌡oldali MPEG listßban)
You can use 3rd party burning tools (such as CDRWIN) to burn the CD image files generated by %s... Useful if CDRDAO does not work on your machine!^See the guides for more information. =Hasznßlhatsz mßsok ßltal gyßrtott CD φr≤ programot is (pl. CDRWIN) a %s ßltal kΘszφtett CD kΘpek felφrßsßra... Hasznos, ha a CDRDAO nem m√k÷dik a gΘpeden!^Tovßbbi informßci≤k a kΘzik÷nyvekben.
You can delete one by one some MPEG files in the MPEG files list by pressing the DEL key. =EgyesΘvel t÷r÷lhetsz MPEG fßjlokat a DEL gomb megnyomßsßval az MPEG fßjl listßb≤l.
You can drag'n drop MPEG files from a Windows explorer box to the MPEG files list. =M√k÷dik a "H·zd Θs dobd" m≤dszer is a Windows IntΘz⌡b⌡l az MPEG fßjl listßba.
%s has a lot of "Hints"... Useful information in yellow boxes that appears when you let the mouse over a composant for a few seconds... Read them! =A %s egy sor tippet ad... Hasznos informßci≤k jelennek meg a sßrga sz÷vegdobozokban, amik az egΘrrel az egyes elemek f÷l÷tt nΘhßny pilanatra megßllva megjelennek... Olvasd el ⌡ket!
You can capture the pictures of all your chapters in one step in using "Generate Pictures" from the chapters list box's context menu. =Az ÷sszes fejezethez egyszerre kimßsolhatod a hozzßrendelt kΘpet a fejezetek lista jobb gombos menⁿjΘnek "Generate Pictures" pontjßval.
You can capture a picture from the Media Player box. =Kimßsolhatsz kΘpet a Media Player ablakb≤l is.
If you disabled "Show tips at Startup", you can enable it again via the "Help" menu. =Ha tiltva van a "Tippek megjelenφtΘse indulßskor", ·jra engedΘlyezheted a "S·g≤" menⁿb⌡l.
The "Interactivity" page is shown only if PBC (PlayBack Control) is ON. =A vezΘrlΘs lap csak akkor lßthat≤, ha a PBC (lejßtszßsvezΘrl⌡) engedΘlyezve van.
%s scales well, according to the Windows font resolution (I worked hard for low vision persons...) =A %s is ßtmΘretez⌡dik a Windows bet√ felbontßsnak megfelel⌡en (a gyengΘnlßt≤k kedvΘΘrt)
When %s starts, it sometimes wants to access the Internet... because it wants to check for a new version available. You can disable this check via "Auto check for a new version" in the "Help" menu. =Amikor a %s elindul, gyakran az Internetre akar kapcsol≤dni, hogy ellen⌡rizze, van e frissφtett programverzi≤. Ezt az ellen⌡rzΘst letilthatod a "S·g≤" menⁿben.
If you bought Nero and have troubles with the ASPI for CDRDAO, you can try to put Nero's WNASPI32.DLL file directly into the CDRDAO folder. =Ha Nero-t hasznßlsz Θs gondod van a CDRDAO ASPI vezΘrl⌡jΘvel, pr≤bßld meg a Nero WINASPI32.DLL-jΘt a CDRDAO mappßjßba rakni.